The Essential Apps to Writing Your Thesis

Girls are studying

This article will show you some apps, software, and services that can make your dissertation process easier. You can also make the right decision by checking examples of research papers.

1. Grammarly Premium

Let’s face it, the spell-checker built into Microsoft Word is a joke.
Grammarly does much more than check spelling and grammar. Grammarly also detects complex issues such as:
Uncoherent writing style, unclear sentence structure
Ineffective vocabulary and excessive use of certain works
Insensitive language or non-inclusive language, and rudeness
Inappropriate tone


Grammarly allows you to have a real-time editor and proofreader review your work. It is available in Word, Google Docs and Chrome. It is very versatile.

Grammarly Premium is free.

2. Evernote & Penultimate

You will take a lot of notes during the research process. You might also have audio recordings. Evernote can help you organize all of it. Evernote is the best app for taking notes. Evernote is the best note-taking app.

3. Dragon Anywhere

Writing a thesis or dissertation is a tedious task.

Dragon Anywhere lets you speak directly to your smartphone or tablet and then converts it to text.

4. Dropbox

Students can lose hours, days or even weeks of work because of corrupt flash drives, hard drives and coffee-soaked laptops. This should be the main takeaway from this post. Sign up for these cloud services now (most offer a free version) to save your time and improve your work efficiency.

* Dropbox

* Google Drive

* OneDrive

* iCloud Drive

You can be sure that your files are safe and secure. But don’t forget to save.

5. Offtime

Research and writing require sharp focus. Distraction is the enemy to progress. You must be laser-focused when writing and researching. Offtime allows you to limit the functionality of your smartphone for a specific time, while still keeping it functional.

6. Mendeley

Correctly formatted references are essential to a well-written thesis or dissertation. Mendeley, a free reference manager program, manages all of your Word citations.

7. Free Mind

When you do your literature review and research, you will encounter many theories, models and frameworks. When you conduct your literature review and research, it can be difficult to see the big picture and connect the dots. Mind mapping is a great way to help you visualize the whole picture. It is not possible to do this on paper.

Freemind allows you to create mindmaps that are editable and visually rich on your computer. It is easy to use and completely free.

8. Udemy & Coursera

Okay, so this isn’t an app or piece of software.

While writing your dissertation, you will need to be able to quickly grasp a topic.

Coursera and Udemy offer short, digestible online courses. Udemy is a great resource for dissertation writing.

Wrapping up

These 8 apps, software, and services will make your life easier while you finish your dissertation.

* Grammarly Instant Editing and Proofreading

Evernote – To keep all your notes together

* DragonAnywhere – to transcribe the text into speech

* Dropbox: Safely store your work

* Offtime – to eliminate i-Distractions

* Mendeley – for ensuring perfect referencing

Freemind – Mind mapping without the use of a whiteboard

Coursera and Udemy – To quickly acquire niche skills