How Do Directional Speakers Work?

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The purpose of the directional speakers is to emit sound in one direction like a spotlight, instead of emitting sound all over the place what conventional speakers do. Therefore, directional speakers can help to maintain privacy in public places, keep commuters safe, and promote hygiene in eventful areas. Directional speakers can also help you to make your showroom more engaging and profitable. But how do the directional speakers emit directional sound? How the directional speakers are different from conventional speakers? Let’s find out.

What Are Directional Speakers?

Directional speakers or focused speakers are one type of loudspeaker that emits sound in one direction in a narrow beam. These speakers are ideal for various public areas, such as railway stations (where people’s safety is important), hospitals and clinics (where maintaining privacy is necessary), stores, museums, and galleries (where specific sounds are required). If you want to promote your retail stores or galleries, museums, or want to address a specific public, you can use Focusonics directional speakers for accurate and fixed shape directional audio.

Directional Speakers Vs. Conventional Speakers:

Directional speakers are different from conventional speakers. Conventional speakers broadcast sound in a much wider spread so that we can hear the sound from every direction. Both speakers emit different sound waves. For instance, the sound waves that get emitted from conventional speakers can spread out in all directions from the location of the speaker. Conversely, directional speakers emit high-frequency sound waves.

How Do Directional Speakers Work?

Conventional Speakers:

To understand the mechanism of directional speakers, first, understand the mechanism of conventional speakers. A simple speaker has two sides. On one side, there is a thin plastic disc and a large magnet. On the other side of the disc, you will find an electromagnet that we charge or discharge by using electricity.

The plastic disc takes place between two magnets and when we charge or discharge the electro-magnet, the plastic disc gets pulled or pushed. As a result of the forward and backward vibration of the plastic discs, the air in front of it gets pushed and pulled. This develops sound waves that spread out in all directions.

Directional Speakers:

The mechanism of directional speakers is different as they emit ultrasound with a very high frequency. The frequency of the ultrasound is so high that we can not hear the sound. As the directional speakers emit shorter wavelengths and super-high frequency sound waves, the sound comes out in a narrow beam. But the question is if directional speakers emit ultrasound, then how can we hear that?

The directional speakers uniquely emit the ultrasonic beam so that the sound gets deformed during the broadcast through the air. Due to this deformation, a low-frequency directional audio beam gets generated that we can hear.

The Applications of Directional Sound:

Directional speaker technology has various applications, such as-

  • In laboratories where the production of ultrasonic sound is necessary, several expensive pieces of equipment use directional speaker technology.
  • Many government agencies use directional sound to control the crowd and make public announcements.
  • Ships communicate with other vessels using directional sound.
  • Retail stores, museums, and galleries use focused speakers or directional speakers to play certain music. To know more about different application areas of directional sound, click here for further information.