How to Use Green Technology to Improve Your Business

Green Technology
Image Source: Pexels

Investing in green technology is not only good for the environment—it can be good for your business’s bottom line. “Going green” isn’t just about encouraging your staff to recycle and going paperless. You can invest in green technologies that will transform the very way you do business. Here are the four best ways to improve your business practices using green tech.

Invest in a Bank of Solar Panels

The most radical green transformation your business can undergo is switching from grid to solar power. There’s a high upfront cost to solar panels, but they’re a great investment.

Solar energy is a renewable energy source. Panels can generate electricity from solar energy and store that power in a solar battery. Users can tap into solar power any time of the day or night by plugging into the battery.
For business owners, you can get to a point where you have complete energy independence and aren’t paying anyone to switch on the lights. That’s real freedom.

Incentivize Rideshare Commuting 

There’s no doubt: climate change is upon us. There is a mountain of evidence that global temperatures are rising, the ocean is getting warmer, and the ice sheets are shrinking. In the UK, its impact will mean warmer and wetter winters, drier and hotter summers, and more extreme weather patterns.

A massive contributor to climate change is burning fossil fuels like gasoline.

Every day, millions of people drive to work, burning off millions of tons of gasoline, which gets released into the
atmosphere. One thing you can do to combat the negative impact of automobile use is to incentivize a ridesharing program among your staff. 

Host a meeting where you have everyone share what neighborhood they live in and what car they drive. The
employees who live close to each other can all choose the individual with the most environmentally friendly vehicle and develop a commuting plan. You might even solve a big problem for those who get to work by mobile ridesharing app or public transit and often come in late.

Offer Electric Trade-In Programs

Take automobile dis incentivization to the next level. Many places offer programs where you can trade in your gas guzzler and receive a steep discount on an electric vehicle. Electric vehicles aren’t perfect, environmentally speaking. Just look at the downsides to their batteries. But a lot of pollution will be curbed by taking one more gas guzzler off the road. That’s a win for the environment, and it’s a win for your business since your employee will feel taken care of, having benefitted from the trade-in program.

Install a Smart Thermostat

A growing body of research has shown that outdated home thermostats are a leading cost of energy waste. Install a smart thermostat to combat needless energy consumption. You’ll start saving money immediately, and the environmental impact adds up over time. 

If you have workers in the office who constantly complain about being cold, a smart thermostat could go a long way toward temperature regulation.

Go, Green, Save Big

Going green isn’t a selfless good deed. You save money, and you save it immediately by investing in green technology. It’s a no-brainer!