Drywall Sanding Best Practices Guide

Drywall sanding
Image Source: Unsplash

Drywall sanding is a necessary step in creating a beautiful new wall. It’s also one of the most tedious parts of any drywall job and one that is often overlooked.

But if you want to avoid a rough patch or raised nails, then you’ll need to take your time when sanding drywall. Here are drywall sanding best practices that will help you get through this crucial part of your project with minimal hassle and maximum results.

Practice Makes Perfect

Practice makes perfect. Before you tackle a big project, spend some time practicing on a smaller piece of drywall to get used to your tools and the process. You can use it as an opportunity to hone your skill before moving on to the real thing.

If you don’t have any scrap drywall lying around, don’t worry—you can practice on other surfaces instead! For example, start by sanding down a sample piece of wood that’s roughly equivalent in size and thickness to the wallboard you’re working with. 

Or, if you want something more realistic but still easier than actually working with sheetrock (and without having to demolish an entire wall), try using some old sheets of new drywall from home improvement stores.

If there’s no time for all those extra steps just yet—or if your budget doesn’t allow for it—there are plenty of videos online showing how each type of tool should be used, so feel free to watch those instead!

Don’t Wait for the Mud to Dry

One of the most common sanding mistakes is waiting too long to begin sanding after the application of the mud. When you are ready to begin, you need to keep the mud wet while you are sanding. If you wait too long, then your mud will dry, and you will have to start over.

It’s better that you go ahead and get started with your drywall sanding project rather than having to deal with a dried coat of mud later on in the process.

Know Your Drywall Sanding Tools

Know Your Sandpaper

Before you begin sanding, it’s vital to know what type of sandpaper you are using. There are two main types of drywall sandpaper: open coat and closed coat. Open-coat paper is recommended for woodworking because it has a higher number of abrasive particles and can remove more material in less time

In contrast, closed-coat paper lasts longer thanks to its protective coating and ability to cut on both sides of the sheet (meaning you can use both sides). It also tends to leave a smoother finish, which requires less sanding time than open-coated products do.

Know How To Use Your Sander

The process of smoothing drywall involves three key steps: removing all bumps or ridges from your walls, leveling out any imperfections in your surface, then creating a smooth finish that looks seamless with no visible seams between sheets. 

To attain this final stage—called “patching”—you will need access to many different types of power tools, including cordless drills or screwdrivers if you plan on using chisels instead.

Use a Proper Angle

  • The angle of sanding is significant. You want to make sure that you’re using an angle that’s conducive to your project and the type of sander you’re using. If you’re using a pole sander, for example, find out how many degrees the head should be when in use. If it’s too much or not enough, then your project will suffer.
  • How do I find the proper angle? It might seem like a simple question, but if you’re new to drywall sanding and home improvement projects in general, then this may be unfamiliar territory for you. Your best bet is to consult with someone who knows what they’re doing—a professional who specializes in drywall repair would be ideal! 
  • Find out how many degrees your particular brand or model requires by looking closely at its packaging materials (these should come with documentation). If none are provided, then try contacting them directly through their website or email support channels like Facebook Messenger so that someone can give you advice about what angle works best.
  • Use something called “sanding boards,” which allow users with varying skill levels access all around the sides without risking injury because there aren’t any sharp edges sticking out anywhere.

Work in Small Sections at a Time

To get the best results, you should work in small sections at a time. This will help you keep your drywall sanding job organized and make it easier to see what needs to be done next.

When working on any project, it’s imperative to remove as much dust as possible so that it doesn’t end up getting tracked back into the house or other areas of your home. You can do this by using a vacuum cleaner before you start working on a section of the drywall or even while you are working on it if there is too much dust flying around. 

You can also use damp cloths or brushes (depending on what type of tool you’re using) to clean up after yourself when necessary. Make sure that all tools are cleaned off thoroughly before moving on to another area!

Protect Your Lungs

Wear a dust mask. The best option is to wear a respirator designed for drywall sanding. If you don’t have one, use a dust mask that snugs up against the face, covering the nose and mouth. Bandanas or handkerchiefs can create more dust than they stop because they don’t fit well against your face and are easily pushed away by the force of the sanding.

Final Thoughts

Drywall sanding is a task that requires a lot of caution and attention to detail. If not done correctly, it can cause damage to your home or office. In addition, it can be extremely difficult to repair since drywall is made from gypsum board which is not very strong in comparison to other building materials.

If you take the time to research how to drywall should be sanded, then you will have an easier time completing your project without any issues or problems along the way. The best thing you can do is read up on some of the information provided here today so that you know what you’re getting into before starting work on your next project!