How to grow your Instagram followers for a business account

instagram social media

Creating a business account itself means that you’re on the radar of various audiences. Though you get recognized initially, you still need to work towards gaining those numbers of Instagram followers. Did you know? There are already over 200 million business accounts on Instagram!

There is practically no account on Instagram that doesn’t follow a business account. However, organic growth is crucial for your business growth. Likes and comments create a quality engagement but, converting those interactions to successful sales is vital. 

In this article, you will learn the tricks to improve your followers,

The profile

How you define your Instagram account’s profile and what you write matters the most. As a business account, you need to mention the product you cater to and its quality. Adding a link to your website is always a bonus point. As you’ve observed, most of the buyers these days visit Instagram to check the authenticity and review of the product they’re interested in.

While a profile will impress the visitor, it is the engagement quality that impacts the most. Interact with them through emails by offering a welcome bonus or special discount. Find emails through email search engines like Its Chrome extension to your Gmail account allows you to find multiple email addresses and send them an email right away. This email finder tool is highly efficient and effective!

The Regularity

When posting content on your profile, you also get insights from the app. It offers information as to which post was more engaging and what would be the ideal time for you to post. Initially, follow the suggestion and post content regularly. The key here is to be consistent and regular with sharing the content.

Once you do, you can then slowly shift the timings and days of posts. Let the audience know if your schedule changes. Keeping them in the loop is crucial so they don’t forget to check your updates. Schedule your posts in advance using several apps. Scheduling keeps you safe from forgetting to post or other uncertainties.

The Collaborations

Nothing gets better engagement than a collab with another influencer or a celeb. Here you get to work with a fellow content creator, learn their working style and understand how they deal with their socials. And, when posting a collab, both of your audiences intertwin bringing a better engagement.

Especially when collaborating, shout out on all the social handles you have. These are some genuine ways to increase your visibility amongst the audience. In no case should you opt to gain followers through fake news or apps! These might fetch you much-needed attention for a while but, they won’t last in the long run. And once the brand’s image has been tampered with, it will take ages to get back up in the online market.

Final thoughts

Of course, there are hundreds if not millions of active business accounts trying to gain the audience’s attention, but don’t be swayed by how they market themselves. Find a pace on your own and stick to it. What matters is how long you stay in business and not how much noise you make while around.