Revealed: How to escape the 60% tax trap

Tax Trap

You’ve just received a £1,000 bonus from your employer. That sounds like great news, doesn’t it? But if you’re earning more than £100,000 you could be caught out by the 60% tax trap. And you wouldn’t be alone, as a lot of unsuspecting high earners see their income effectively taxed at a rate of 60%.

However, it’s not all bad news, as fortunately there is a simple and tax-efficient way to avoid this tax trap — through your pension contribution.

Read on to discover the expert’s approach to steer clear of the 60% tax trap through some clever financial planning.

Understanding income tax rates

In order to understand how the 60% tax trap works you first need to have a knowledge of the income tax rates for England, Wales, and Northern Ireland, and the personal allowance.

Your tax-free personal allowance for the tax year 2021/2022 is £12,570. This is the amount of income you do not have to pay tax on. The rest of your income is taxed based on the following rates:

  • Basic tax rate of 20% on earnings £12,571 to £50,270
  • Higher rate of 40% on earnings £50,271 to £150,000
  • Additional rate of 45% on earnings over £150,000

However, when you earn over £100,000, your personal allowance is reduced, gradually cut by £1 for every £2 of additional income. As a result, when your income reaches £125,140, you’ll lose your personal allowance completely, and in effect, start paying the higher rate of tax much sooner.

How you can fall into the 60% tax trap

Let’s look at our previous example, where you have received a £1,000 bonus on top of your salary.

First of all, this bonus will be taxed at the higher rate of 40%, costing you £400 and leaving you with £600. As you have exceeded the £100,000 threshold, you will also lose £500 of your personal allowance. That £500 of your income will then also be taxed at 40%, costing you a further £200.

Taking this all into account your £1,000 bonus is effectively taxed at 60%. You’ll be left with just £400 after paying £600 in tax.

This is just one example. You’ll find the impact worsens, the higher you earn over £100,000.

Using your pension to get your money back

By simply using your pension contributions, you can, in fact, avoid the 60% tax trap. If done effectively and correctly, this can help you reclaim your tax-free personal allowance, and also receive tax relief on the amount you pay into your pension.

Let’s imagine you are earning £125,140. You have therefore lost your entire tax-free personal allowance. However, with the help of expert financial planning services, you decide to contribute £20,112 to your pension.

The government will pay £5,028 in basic rate tax relief, straight into your pension. This means your total pension contribution is £25,140. A further £5,028 can be claimed in higher rate relief on your tax return.

You’ll also regain your full £12,570 personal allowance, saving you a further £5,028 in tax, and a total benefit of £15,084.

Through your pension contributions, not only do you make the most of the higher tax rate relief of 40%, but it also takes your annual taxable income back down below the £100,000 threshold and avoids the dreaded 60% tax trap.

To truly make the most of your pension, and maximize your tax savings, it is always best to consult a financial adviser, who can guide you through such financial challenges as a high earner.


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