Sustainable home: Creating the perfect eco-friendly environment

Sustainable home
Image source unsplash

Sustainability has become something of a buzzword for some, but there are many for whom it is a necessity, the only way to ensure a clean, fair and healthy future. The most important thing to understand about sustainability is that it is much more consequential to be consistent and try to make a difference through daily action instead of doing something grand once or twice. You’ll have a much more significant impact if you remain committed to daily action and make sustainability part of your daily routine. If you’re unsure where to start, here are some tips that could help.

Renewable energy

Fossil fuels create air pollution that damages both the environment and human health. The emissions they generate contribute to climate change, exacerbating the greenhouse effect. During this process, heat is trapped close to the Earth’s surface, meaning that temperatures are more elevated than they would normally be. Unfortunately, society’s reliance on fossil fuels has played a prominent role in the current climate crisis. At the moment, most scientists believe that the current level of global warming is irreversible, but that action must still be taken to avoid further planet warming in the future.

Renewable energy is the answer here, as it essentially refers to power derived from natural but non polluting sources. These sources are replenished at much higher rates than they are consumed, and they are plentiful. Solar power is the most obvious choice, and most households would benefit from the panels. They can also increase the home’s value if you decide to sell at some point in the future. Apart from being a green source, solar power also means your electricity bills will be much more affordable. 

According to recent data, you can reduce your bills by up to 62% simply by installing solar panels. The only problem would be the upfront costs, but this is an investment that pays off in the long run. 


It might seem unbelievable when you first hear it, but the fashion industry is one of the world’s greatest polluters. Approximately 10% of the yearly global emissions directly result from the production process of making new clothes. The rise of fast fashion, which changed shopping habits and made people buy more clothes and wear them less, bears a large portion of the blame. The emergence of new trends and even microtrends means that shoppers are constantly looking to get the next fashionable thing and have to discard items to make room for new ones. The clothes are often still in excellent condition, and instead of being recycled, they end up in landfills. 

Huge amounts of water, pesticides, and chemicals are involved in creating each garment, and by throwing them away, you’re essentially wasting resources and contributing to the depletion of raw materials. One solution is to switch to a capsule wardrobe. This minimalist approach means focusing on essential pieces that can be mixed and matched to create new outfits daily. Some of the items that should be found in any capsule wardrobe are jeans, a pair of tailored trousers, a cashmere or wool sweater, printed t-shirts made of breathable cotton to customise your look a bit, a white shirt, a blazer, a silk scarf, and a tote bag. As for shoes, you should have something casual, such as trainers or ballet flats, as well as a pair of dressier shoes for more formal occasions. 

But if you’re the type of person who loves shopping and for whom paring down your wardrobe to such an extent feels too drastic, the best alternative is to become a more conscious consumer. Instead of following trends, you should focus on the items you want in your wardrobe. Prioritise quality over quantity, and don’t buy something if you know you’ll get bored of it shortly. 

A good way to avoid impulsive shopping is to give yourself time to purchase something. If you’re unsure whether you should get an item, wait a few weeks and see if you still want it then. The clothes in your closet should represent your individual style, so you can get personalised hoodies that can be imprinted with any logo or text you want. You’ll see that after starting with your clothes, you’ll adopt the same shopping ideals for the rest of the items, which means that your home will be less cluttered, your finances more secure, and the planet cleaner. 

Home office 

During the days of the pandemic, the home became the office as well, for better or for worse. While some welcomed the change, finding the chance to work from their own living room to be relaxing and a confidence boost, others were more adverse to the idea, citing an inability to focus, inevitable procrastination and the challenge of having to look after kids or pets at the same time as some of the reasons. Since then, the workplace has changed, and many employees have chosen to work from home at least a few days each week.

This has also created the need to incorporate a home office into the household. If you want to build your own space, make sure to assemble it in an area where you’re getting plenty of natural light. It reduces energy consumption and boosts your productivity at the same time. However, since you’ll need lighting appliances anyways, you should make sure to only choose the ones that are sustainable and efficient. Invest in high-quality LED lights or compact fluorescent lamps. 

Adding plants will also help purify your air, on top of livening up the room. If you need new furniture, you should look for recycled or sustainable items such as bamboo. Despite appearances, they are pretty sturdy, so you don’t have to worry about finding constant replacements.

You could do many other things to reduce your carbon footprint, including using less water, using your car less, and avoiding flying when there are other ways to travel. Although your choices might seem inconsequential in the grand scheme of things, they add to the effort to fight global warming.