What Your Driving Instructor Didn’t Teach You

driving instructor
Image Source- pexels.com

Your driving instructor will teach you how to become a competent and safe driver, but this is only the start of your driving journey and there is still a lot more that you will learn. So, what are some of the things that you should know about?

Queue Jumpers

Brits love a good queue, which is why many motorists will be frustrated when they see people zip-merging at the last minute as lanes merge. This is the correct way to merge as both lanes should be used right up until the point of closure – here motorists should take turns to merge.

Additionally, you might feel more confident with P plates after you pass, but keep in mind that there will always be some motorists that do not like these plates and could even treat you worse!

De-Icing Windows & Mirrors

In the winter months, you need to know how to de-ice your car so that you can safely drive. You should never practice “portholing” where you only clear part of the windscreen – this is dangerous and you could face a fine and points on your license. To clear ice, you should turn on the engine and let it run to defrost the inside. While this happens, you can use a de-icing solution or warm water to melt ice on the exterior. A scraper can help you to clear the windscreen and mirrors for complete visibility.

Going Through a Drive-Thru

Going through a drive-thru for the first time is a novel experience and one of the perks of driving! As it is a slow process, this can be a good option when you are learning to drive – just make sure that you have learner driver insurance in place. If you are paying by smartphone, you should turn off the engine when paying as it would technically be illegal to use a handheld device.

Using Full Beam

You also need to know how to use your full beam headlights but also understand the etiquette. The full beam is ideal for driving at night in rural areas, but you can dazzle oncoming drivers if you are not careful, so you should always switch to dipped beams when you see another car.

Checking Tyre Pressure

You also need to know how to check and top up you make sure that you have learner driver insurance tyre pressure with the use of a pressure gauge and air compressor. Keeping tyres at the right level will increase efficiency, improve safety and improve the lifespan of the tyres.

Motorway Lanes

Finally, you should know that there are no slow and fast lanes on motorways. You should always be in lane one (left) – lanes 2 and 3 are for overtaking (or lane 2 if there is a slow build-up of traffic).

Hopefully, this post will help you to feel more confident on the roads and understand unwritten laws and etiquette.