Differences between App Design and Website Design

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Image Source: Pexels

Website designing and app designing are two of the most confusing terms when it comes to graphic design. Though they sound similar, there are technical and functional differences between them, which make them stand out. Website designers focus on making the website more appealing – with a focus on generating better quality leads while application designers mainly focus on making the user experience better. Website designing needs to consider critical factors such as the target audience of the user base, the required message of the brand, and the key outcomes required from the target users. Application designers mostly need to focus on the feel that the users have while using the application – while focusing on the retention rate in the application and increasing the revenue.

On the granular level, let us evaluate the differences between website designing and application designing.

Understanding deeply the differences between website designing and application designing

On a technical level, the website design is focused on numerous screen sizes – be it a computer screen, a laptop screen, or a mobile screen. On the other hand, the application designing is centered around the mobile screen only, hence the user behavior on the mobile screen has to be understood better for app designing.

Functionally, website designing is targeted more towards delivering content based on knowledge or requires users to perform simple tasks. But app designing is more focused on delivering a wholesome user experience – and envelops numerous actions – right from scratch. Thus, there is a higher complexity involved in app design –on a functional level.

Take a simple example of booking a cab over the Uber app. Starting from searching the cab, to completing the ride, multiple steps involve the end-user as the focus. Thus, the app design has to ensure that the user transition from one stage to the other is seamless.

A striking difference between an application and a website is internet connectivity. While the websites need internet connectivity to function – the applications might not always need internet connectivity. For example, static applications like interest rate calculators, horoscope analysis, and end-less games don’t need any internet connection.

This makes app designing very different from website designing. If you are looking forward to developing your application, don’t think twice before reaching out to professional mobile developers.

Creating basic mobile applications can be a cakewalk for mobile app developers London – as they have developed some of the best apps recently. Be it an e-commerce application or a payment application, reaching out to the developers in London should be your first choice.

Key Designing Trends in the development world

User Experience is the key trend to watch out for – in website and app design.

Understanding the user experience is crucial to a developer. If there is clarity concerning the user experience, the app development team can strategically move forward in the app development process. Moreover, streamlined market research is critical to mobile application development. For professional market research assignments, you can hire a web design agency in London that specializes in market research as well.  Once the user experience is chalked out properly – the next key trend to focus on is switching between modes.

Night mode/dark mode has been highly preferred by the youth generation – the reason being it is lighter to the eye – thus reducing eye strain and the improved battery life in the dark mode. For an app designer, understanding user preferences in terms of night mode is important.

Another key trend to watch out for is – minimalism – in simpler terms – the lesser the clutter, the better the application design is. Often, having the required features in an accessible place is all that is needed – to make the app stand out.

Bottom line

With the key trends shared above, as an app designer, it is also crucial to maintain a better user interface with the right color texture – and simpler touch keys to ensure a better user journey! In conclusion, app designing is a complicated process, but, with the right understanding of the key principles, you can master it too.