How to create a great college essay?

college essay

Going to college is an essential step in every person’s life. The admission essay is one of the critical factors the admissions committee uses to evaluate your candidacy. That is why you should consider improving your skills in academic essay writing and boosting your chances of successful admission.

What do colleges look for when you write an essay?

When evaluating essays for college admissions, the admissions committee looks for several vital points:

  • Your unique voice and story. They want to know the real you, not just your grades and test scores. Your essay should tell a compelling story that reveals your personality, values, interests, and experiences. Avoid common themes and clichés – focus on what makes you unique and differentiates you from the crowd.
  • Intellectual curiosity and growth. Colleges want to see that you are intellectually curious and eager to learn. Your essay should demonstrate your desire to challenge yourself academically and contribute to the college community. Share experiences where you explored new ideas, overcame challenges or learned valuable lessons.
  • Strong writing skills. This means correct grammar and punctuation but also clear and concise writing, engaging word choice, and a well-organized structure. Ensure your essay is easy to read and grabs the reader’s attention.
  • Opportunity to contribute to the college. Showcase your interests, talents, and leadership abilities. How will you add value to the college community? Highlight your extracurricular activities, volunteer work, or personal projects demonstrating your initiative and passion.
  • Honesty and authenticity. Be sincere and faithful to yourself in your essay. Don’t try to be someone you aren’t, and don’t exaggerate your accomplishments. Share your authentic voice and experience to leave a lasting impression.

Instead of simply stating your qualities, use potent examples and stories to demonstrate them in action. This will make your text more interesting and exciting for the admissions committee.

Simple Tips to Help You Write a Good College Essay

Preparing a good admission essay takes time, but this process should not be delayed. Your chance of entering college also depends on the quality of your preparation. So you should try to get ahead of other candidates. Continue reading our article or look through a comprehensive infographic, created by, that breaks down the essential steps, from understanding the essay prompt to polishing your final draft. This visual guide aims to streamline your preparation, ensuring you create an essay that stands out.

Simple Tips to Help You Write a Good College Essay

Be original and passionate about the topic

Choose a topic that interests you. Writing about what interests you is much easier and more fun. It will also allow you to reveal your personality and values better. Don’t write about what millions of other applicants have already written about. Choose a theme that will enable you to stand out from the crowd.

Remember that the essay is your chance to make a first impression on the admissions committee. Make sure it reflects your personality and your best qualities.

Make strong statements

You should work on your writing style. You need to highlight several important facts in your essay and make powerful and decisive statements. Please pay attention to these recommendations:

  • Don’t just list your accomplishments, but explain why they are essential and what they say about you as a person.
  • Don’t be afraid to talk about your strengths, but don’t brag or exaggerate.
  • Show your determination and passion.

All this will make the essay more lively, exciting, and enjoyable for readers. It is important to regularly work on the quality of content preparation to make it stand out compared to competitors.

Write your first draft

Don’t assume your first draft will be perfect. Don’t be afraid to edit and rewrite your essay until you are completely satisfied with the result. Before submitting your paper, be sure to read it several times to find and correct errors.

Moreover, don’t write about things unrelated to the topic. Make sure your essay follows the college’s format requirements. Maintain a general theme and intent to make your writing more structured and appealing to readers.

Check the text for minor errors

It isn’t enough just to write the text. It is also necessary to carefully take care of the quality of its preparation:

  • Read the essay carefully several times to look for and correct grammatical, spelling, and punctuation errors.
  • Use special instruments to check and improve your spelling and grammar.
  • Have someone read your essay and check it for errors.

Proofreading and editing are crucial steps. Ensuring you stand out with good ideas and not mistakes is essential.

Keep your balance

Don’t brag or exaggerate your accomplishments, but don’t be afraid to discuss your strengths. Be honest and sincere. Show your passion and determination. Balance in preparing essay text is essential to achieve the best results when preparing academic papers of any complexity.

Reread your essay

After writing and editing, you should take a break and re-read your essay several times with a clear mind. You should check how well the work meets the stated requirements. Also, the text should be simple, understandable, and readable. If new errors are identified, they should be corrected immediately.

Pay attention to the format

Correct text format is essential. You must follow all recommendations of the college where you are going to enroll. It is necessary to use the correct font and its size and select line spacing. You also need to respect the length of the essay and not write too much or too little.

Ask others to read your work

It is essential not only to check your text yourself but also to pay attention to the following recommendations:

  • A fresh opinion can help you see potential errors and improve your writing.
  • Ask friends, family, or teachers to read your essay and give you feedback.
  • Be open to criticism and be willing to make changes to your writing.

An essay is a good opportunity to impress the admissions committee. It is necessary to treat the preparation process as carefully and profitably as possible, taking into account the focus, topic, and other subtleties.


Yes, an admission essay isn’t an easy task. However, your writing will significantly improve if you practice consistently and try to apply some of these recommendations. So start early and don’t give up!

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