How to Prep Your Bomb Shelter


In the event of a nuclear war, prolonged pandemic, or other world-ending catastrophes, hiding out in a bomb shelter could be your best (and only) chance of survival. These reinforced underground spaces are designed to withstand explosions and protect the inside from radiation and other dangers above ground.

There aren’t many true bomb shelters left in the world today. After all, they were built to protect people from a threat that no longer exists. It’s not easy for an everyday homeowner to build an underground bunker. However, with some planning and construction know-how, you can prepare your own space for whatever apocalyptic future might lie ahead.

Find the Right Location

The first step in preparing a bomb shelter is choosing the right location. It’s best to build your bunker close to your home, but it should be in a place that’s least likely to be targeted. You’ll want to avoid large cities since they’re likely to be hit first in any attack.

Ideally, you’ll want to find a location that is remote, but not too far away. You would want it to be within a few hours’ drive of your bunker. Keep in mind the terrain, climate, and soil type in your area. You’ll need to be certain all of these factors are correct for digging a bunker.

Build a Bunker, Not a Shallow Pit

When you think of a bomb shelter, you might picture a shallow pit in the ground, lined with concrete and packed with as many people as can fit inside. While this is one way to go about it, it’s far from the most effective way.

A proper bomb shelter is built with reinforced walls and a thick roof. A deep trench is the easiest type of shelter to build, but it leaves you susceptible to a blast wave that could kill everyone inside. Even with a thick concrete lining, a shallow trench is not safe enough to survive a nuclear blast.

The best kind of shelter is a deep one that’s completely underground. This means digging a pit and lining it with thick concrete on every side. This will protect your bunker from most dangers, including radiation and shrapnel.

Reinforced Walls and Roof

Any true bomb shelter needs reinforced walls and a thick roof. The walls should always be concrete and at least six feet thick. They should also be designed with enough space between the walls and the roof so that you can walk and stand inside. Your roof should be at least eight feet thick, made of concrete, and have steel rebar running through it.

The roof should protect you from exploding shrapnel, as well as block out any kind of radiation. It should also be built close enough to the ground that you can use the soil to block out light. You want to avoid any light getting inside your bunker, as it could give away your position.

Ventilation and Food Supply

The walls of your bunker will protect you from radiation and shrapnel, but they won’t do anything to stop gasses and fumes from entering your shelter. You’ll need a system of ventilation that filters and purifies the air inside your shelter. You’ll also need to store enough food and water to last you and your family for at least six months.

A well-stocked emergency food supply is vital to maintaining a healthy, comfortable environment in the event of a disaster. It is recommended that you have at least a three-day supply of nonperishable food and water for each person in your home. If you have pets or small children, you should also create an additional supply for them.

A good place to start is by making sure your pantry is stocked with canned goods, both meats, and vegetables. Canned fish, too, can be an important addition to your emergency food supply. Other items you might consider adding to your emergency food stockpile include:

  •  Ready-to-eat canned meals such as tuna and chicken
  •  Breakfast cereals
  •  Oil-based peanut butter
  •  Milk and other dairy products
  •  Fresh fruits and vegetables, such as oranges and bananas

If you live in an area where there are months of winter weather, you may want to add extra items to your emergency food stockpile to cover the cold months ahead. These include items like extra blankets and warm clothing as well as nonperishable foods like soups, stews, rice, and pasta.

Financial Sacrifices

Not everyone can afford to build their own bunker. However, you can still prepare your home for survival. You can build an underground shelter by digging a large hole in your backyard and lining it with concrete. You can also build a small concrete room in your basement.

Also, you can just stock up on some canned goods and wait out the apocalypse in your home. However, those who can afford it should consider building a bunker. It might be an expensive endeavor, but it’s a lot cheaper than starting over after a nuclear attack wipes out the planet.

Decide on an Exit Strategy

As you’re building your bunker, you should also be planning your exit strategy. If a major pandemic sweeps across the globe, you might want to wait out the infection inside your bunker. If the internet hasn’t been knocked out, it might be a good time to catch up on some movies, series, or online gaming like FanDuel Casino.

Living in constant fear isn’t a way to spend your time in a bunker. Stress will affect your health and the well-being of your loved ones. You have prepared enough, now is the time to stay focused but not to the point of insanity. However, if a nuclear bomb does go off near your home, it might be best to leave the bunker as quickly as possible.

Having an emergency exit plan for your bunker is a necessity. Ideally, the exit will be in your backyard, where it will be less likely to be seen by spies or enemy agents.


The world is a scary place, and it can seem like we’re living on the brink of disaster. As threats from nuclear war to pandemics continue to loom, it can be easy to forget that we can survive anything. While it may seem like a daunting task, creating a bomb shelter isn’t nearly as difficult as you might imagine.

In the event of a world-ending catastrophe, an underground bunker can be your best chance at survival. And luckily, you don’t have to be a billionaire to build one. All you need is the right location, a bit of concrete, and the will to live on.