Nonsense Crossword Clue

Are you a puzzle enthusiast who is still trying to grasp everything about the New York Times crossword? Well, you are at the right place because we have everything you need to know about it. You will get a detailed outlook on one of the most popular crossword themes, nonsense crossword clue.

Ever come across quite baffling and somewhat nonsensical clues while solving a crossword puzzle? They are known as exactly that: nonsense crosswords! It may sound funny, but these perplexing clues add up a layer of fascination to the entire puzzle.

Introducing to You All About New York Times Crossword

The journey of crosswords began back in 1913. Journalist Arthur Wynne published the first-ever crossword puzzle in New York Times. Soon, it turned into a phenomenon and started appearing it various magazines and newspapers. Currently, standing in the year 2024, we can agree that crosswords are a part of daily lives of many.

Beginners love it for the sole reason that crosswords are a tough challenge. Experienced enthusiasts enjoy solving puzzles because of its mentally stimulating quality. It comes with both a dare and a reward. The utter joy after cracking a clue is unmatched.

How does Nonsense Crossword Clue connect to All About New York Times Crossword?

Ever since its first appearance, the New York Times started introducing various themes for crossword puzzles. And solving the clues for each word grid was an altogether different challenge.  NYT was a part of daily life for many, but it turned into a routine for puzzle livers with these kinds of crosswords.

Nonsense crossword clues became a regular favorite among players. Even though it left the players in confusion for some time making them scratch their heads, the nonsensical clues came with amazing wordplay, tricks, and puns. This is how the “nonsense” became and challenging fun for the puzzle fans.

Here’s a Few Nonsense Crossword Clues:

  • “Strips in a club” (5 letters)

While solving this, your mind may go to an altogether different direction. And your answer can definitely not be ‘club sandwich!’ The clue could have been as simple as “meat for English breakfast” but it had to be “NONSENSE” right?

Answer: Bacon

  • “A funny fish” (5 letters) –

Can a fish be funny? You may come up with Dolphin but letter count? Not a match! Also, it cannot be that easy. Here, “funny” plays the main role as the answer will not make any sense.

Answer: Clown

  • “Sounds like an owl” (3 letters) –

The most nonsense part of this clue is that the answer has nothing to do with an owl. Yup! So, how do we crack it? An owl’s sound it called ‘hoot’, so what is closest to that with three letters?

Answer: Who

How to Solve a Nonsense Crossword Clue?

While getting a clearer look at it all about New York Times crossword, you must know that each clue has different tricks to solve them. If you save them up your sleeve, it will not take much time to decipher them.

  • Break the Clue Down: You must assess each part of the clue. Think about all the words separately as it may include a complicated wordplay.
  • Recognise the Wordplay: Make sure to crack all the homophones, puns, and possible hidden meanings behind the clue.
  • Consider Different Interpretations: A clue can have a completely different answer than what you are maybe mulling over. Try to think outside the box and consider each potential meaning it can have.
  • Distinguish Common Patterns: It can only come with practice. After a time, you will be able to recognise the certain patterns nonsense clues follow. And it will help you anticipate the right answer easily.

Attractions of Nonsense Crossword Clues

While it makes the puzzle harder and more time-consuming, nonsense clues make the players think out of the box. It turns the challenge into fun by simply making no sense! Also, these clues come with a set of aspects that attract the players to it…

  • Challenge Is the Main Factor: As mentioned before, being extra challenging makes the entire puzzle even more exciting.
  • A Layer of Wit & Humour: Nonsensical clues make the game more witty and funny for players. The jokes and puns add a cheerfulness to the game.
  • Enhancing the Players’ Creative Side: Nonsense clues make the players identify various meanings that can hide behind it. It boosts creative thinking skills of the players significantly.

Solving Nonsense Crossword Clues Benefits You Well…

  • You need logic, linguistic knowledge, and critical thinking skills while solving nonsensical clues. Thus, each of these factors gets polished during the game.
  • Your mind gets to explore new aspects every time you wonder about a nonsense clue. It helps to enhance lateral thinking ability of an individual while being entertaining.
  • The satisfaction you get after solving a nonsensical clue is something each puzzle enthusiast revel in. Solving such a clue is a reward in itself. Don’t you agree?
  • Nonsense clues evolve you as a puzzle solver while improving your creative thinking skills.


Are nonsense crossword clues not solvable?

It may require you to think in-depth, but no-nonsense clues are unsolvable. You need to think and let your brain consider every possibility there is. And you will be able to solve it.

How to become a pro at solving nonsense clues?

All you need is practice. The more you practice, the more you get familiarised with finding out wordplay, puns, and hidden meanings. Regular solvers tend to become a pro at crosswords within no time.

How can we solve a nonsense clue faster?

You need enough practice up your sleeve along with the ability to think critically. As a player, you must emphasize more finding the right answer. Take a break if your brain gets haywire. It will help to come up with the right assessment of the nonsense clue.


Solving a clue after getting the brain to roam around different corners of and around the world, is something that every enthusiast enjoys. Nonsense crossword clues are something that has evolved all about the New York Times crossword. Regular crosswords could bore the experienced players after a time. That is why NYT helped to come up with different versions of crossword clues. Why don’t you give nonsense crossword clues a try & analyze how talented you are at solving the puzzle?

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