UK HR Data Explores the Link Between Employees’ Level of Trust and the COVID Pandemic


With the rise of technology, it has become easier than ever to establish and maintain relationships. It’s also much more difficult for businesses in today’s world where trust is non-existent between employer/employee or customer with no sense of connection whatsoever.

A lack on either end can lead you down an unending path that will only hurt any chance at success before they even start because there needs to be some sort of bridge-building opportunity when trying new things out like starting your own business!

Technology is the new currency of work. Employers should ensure that they are embracing this trend by providing employees with tools to boost morale and productivity, not hinder it like many traditional companies do today!

According to a survey published on, the level of employee trust in HR has significantly increased since COVID. Why might people have changed their views about HR? These recent results provide a lot of insight.

What exactly are the current levels of trust and how has COVID19 had an impact on it?

1,000 UK workers in companies with over 250 employees from the UK and Ireland, all of whom were in full-time employment at the time of the survey, were asked a series of questions to determine their feelings about their HR department and whether they trust them over certain matters.

The findings indicate that employees are becoming more trusting of HR staff post-COVID-19, with the majority reporting they have either no change or increased levels of trust in their organisation. 32% of respondents said they trust HR more as a result of the pandemic, while 54% stated their trust levels of HR were still the same as before the pandemic.

This could be attributed to organisations changing how their work processes to suit employees’ needs during these troubling times. Companies are now resorting to allowing their employees to work from home more regularly, whether that be permanently or via intermittent days split between going back to the office.

Based on the results, we can see that companies with higher trust levels have 50% higher productivity and 40% fewer burnouts. Additionally, companies where trust levels are high experience 74% less stress and 106% more energy at work.

Privacy and Safety is a Concern

Data breaches are always a huge issue. They can lead to exposure of employee personal information, which will hurt the trust your employees have in you as their HR manager and leave them looking elsewhere for work with other companies who take more care about maintaining security.

Cyberattacks on company networks have been steadily rising recently so it is understandable as to why some employees might have concerns about their data being compromised. 31% of UK employees revealed that they are unsure of or don’t trust their HR team to respect their privacy and confidentiality. If you’re unsure of anything to do with this area, contact employment law solicitors in Maidstone to get the help you need.

Favoritism Could Lead to Lower Trust Rates

Perceived favoritism in the workplace can be detrimental to company morale and create unnecessary conflict among employees and a disparity of trust levels. 43% of respondents believed that senior staff receives more preferential treatment from management, and 12% felt junior staff are favored by their human resources departments.

Favoritism could potentially occur with internal promotions and one employee might feel disheartened that they’ve been overlooked for that role and have seen that job is given to someone who is either younger or older than them, and situations like this could cause internal business conflicts.

This could also coincide with the results that 48% of respondents said that they weren’t sure or didn’t completely trust HR to tell them about internal promotional opportunities, and

47% of employees declared that they weren’t sure their HR department would be able to manage conflict with another member of staff.


One of the most important things businesses can do for employees is to make them feel comfortable with HR and develop a good rapport with them. Inclusive work environments are vital not just because they lead to a less stressful and more productive place, but also because people want their company’s culture reflected back at them in every way possible.

 A healthy workplace culture where everyone gets on with each other will breed positivity and enhance productivity.