What Discounts Are Available Through the Health Service?

Medical team standing in the hospital corridor

Christmas is fast approaching and this is always a special time of year. While there is something magical about Christmas, it is also a period that can cause stress particularly when it comes to money. The holidays can be an expensive period when you have Christmas shopping, food, travel, and going out socializing during this period.

Savings For Healthcare Workers

If you work in the health service, you should know that there are ways that you can make savings during the holidays (and throughout the year) that could make a big difference. Those that work in the NHS and in healthcare carry out noble and important work (particularly right now) and this is why there are so many discounts that you can capitalize on whether you work on the front-line or in the back office. Discounts are available for (but not restricted to):

  • All NHS staff
  • Retired healthcare staff
  • Healthcare-related students
  • Dental practice staff
  • GP staff
  • Private healthcare staff
  • Hospice staff
  • Healthcare volunteers and healthcare-related charity staff

So, what kind of discounts can you enjoy as a healthcare worker?


NHS discounts are available with many major retailers and this can certainly come in handy when it comes to Christmas shopping. Electrical, fashion, health and fitness, beauty and fragrance, and home and garden are just a few of the areas where you could be making savings, which could greatly reduce the amount that you are spending on gifts this year.

Food & Drink

You can also get discounts on your food and drink, which will obviously be handy over Christmas. This applies to supermarkets for your weekly food shop, takeaways when you feel like a cozy night in, and even restaurants when you are out socializing over the holidays.


Driving over Christmas? Health service discounts are available to cover a range of motoring costs, including the cost of a new car, insurance, and breakdown cover. The cost of motoring can be a major cost to cover throughout the year but is made much easier when you are able to apply these discounts.


Many people like to set off on holiday over Christmas whether this is a staycation or trip abroad. Again, you can make savings here with discounts available for all kinds of different expenses. This includes transportation, hotels and apartments, and package deals. Keep this in mind throughout the year as this can make a holiday much more affordable and those in healthcare certainly deserve a nice vacation.

As you can see, there are all kinds of ways that you could be making savings over Christmas and throughout the year if you work in healthcare. You should take advantage of these as they could make a big difference to your finances and improve your life in a handful of ways.